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X-10 PRO PSH01 Small Powerhouse Siren


Stock Level: 2

Product Information


For use with X-10 PRO Security Systems. Tripped by flashmode powerline signals from the main console. Plug in a few of them throughout the job site!

• X10 PRO PowerHorn 105 db Siren.

This versatile module can act as an emergency annunciator virtually anywhere within your home. Designed to recognize consecutive X10 On/Off commands, it delivers a piercing, high-pitched alarm sound when triggered. When the alternating commands (such as those sent from an X10 Powerflash module) stop, the siren stops sounding in approximately 4 seconds, resetting itself

• This easy-to-use siren plugs into a standard wall outlet, allowing you to place it for optimum effect!

Product Code: PSH02

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